
A traditional family's three year olds transition from Manuel to Manuela

At age one Manuel wanted a pink stroller. Patricia and Eduardo figured what's the harm and bought him one, but it became the only toy he would play with. His mother worried perhaps he identified too much with her so she took the stroller away and had his father become more involved him hoping this would masculine his behaviour.

But Manuel still only wanted to play with his Barbies. Patricia was devastated even admitting she felt humiliated. This is the critical juncture all trans people experience when we are embraced or estranged by our families.

Patricia and Eduardo decided to learn more and went to the Yes Institute in Miami were they learned some children are just born that way. They started calling her Manuela and let her embrace her femininity at age four.

WSVN-TV - 7NEWS Miam Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

This is a great article by Lynn Martinezand can be read at VSVN 7News Miami Florida.

YES Institute:
YES.Institute on facebook and on twitter @YES_Institute.


North Carolina Transgender College student considering quitting due to death threats

Vishon Murphy a transgender student at Edgecombe Community College told WNCN that constant harassment, bullying and death threats have forced her to consider dropping out of school.

She said people have spit at her, thrown objects at her and have even made her run in fear for her safety. According to the colleges student handbook Ms Murphy has the right to a prompt investigation of the complaints she has made but she says that isn't happening.

Transgender people are being murdered st a rate of 50% higher than gays and lesbians even though we make up only 3% of the worlds population. And as a blogger I will attest black transgender woman make up the highest percentage of those murdered. We should be very curious to know why this institution of higher learning is allowing this murderous condition to continue on its campus.

Edgecombe Community College on facebook and on twitter @EdgecombeCC

Update: Edgecombe responds-

The facebook post on Edgecombe Community College facebook wall and the response:

Like ·  ·  · 13 hours ago near Fort Worth
  • Judithe Frances likes this.
  • Judithe Frances Why is she getting death threats? What exactly is the Administration doing, to correct this?
  • Edgecombe Community College Edgecombe Community College does not tolerate harassment of any nature toward a student or any other member of the college community.

    The Student Code of Conduct in the Edgecombe Community College 2013-2014 Student Handbook clearly defines harassment 
    and its consequences. Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit misconduct including “verbal, physical, or psychological abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct, including but not limited to stalking or bullying, in person or by electronic means, which threatens bodily harm to self or another person or persons in the College community or endangers the health or safety of any person,” is subject to disciplinary sanctions, which may include suspension or expulsion.

    In compliance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the college may not disclose information regarding its students. In accordance with FERPA, we are able to confirm that Vishon Murphy is enrolled at Edgecombe Community College.