
Kamala Harris Promise to End Rent Price Fixing is Winning Voters Over

Photo / AP Susan Walsh

Kamala Harris is surging ahead in the polls in crucial demographics after promising to take on corporate Rent Price Fixing and ending taxes on tips.

Her promise to end rent price fixing is especially credible since the DOJ under US Attorney General Merrick Garland is currently suing Realpage, the website that fueled the latest rent increases.

Democrat Kamala Harris has surged ahead of Republican Donald Trump, 48%-43%, in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll found.

The vice president's small lead was fueled by big shifts among some key demographic groups traditionally crucial for Democrats, including Hispanic and Black voters and young people, USA Today Reported. Among those with annual incomes of less than $20,000, in the biggest change, a three-point Trump edge over Biden in June has become a 23-point Harris advantage over Trump in August.

Mine is but one story but it may be representative of many lower-income people, especially minorities.

The representative of the corporation that manages my apartment complex asked if I had heard of the "rent website" meaning Realpage when I questioned the one hundred dollar rent increase last year. Her answer was "well, everybody is doing it".

As much as I didn't like it I couldn't move as nearby rents had similarly skyrocketed. This year I found rents hundreds of dollars less during a search of my area, but it didn't make sense to move within Texas because of Paxton's unrelenting war on Trans rights.

So much to the corporate representative delight I decided to forgo fleeing to a state with trans rights protected by law and extended my stay to 13 years by signing another lease. I knew it was price fixing but last year's rent increase had drained my bank account and left me able to save enough to move out of Texas.

Unmentioned is the broader economic impact. The car dealership where I have bought my last two new vehicles desperately wants my car as a trade-in for a new car. It seems too few people are trading in for new cars leaving dealerships with empty lots.

Apparently, I along with many others would gladly trade our cars in especially given the very generous terms offered, but I can't for all of the reasons above.

While the poll is indeed good news proving people are paying attention we know what happens when we lift our foot off the accelerator. 

#Understandtheassignment Visit KamalaHarris.com and click the volunteer tab to see how you can help in your locality and nationaly.

And lastly, Vote as if your country would be destroyed if you didn't because surely it will.


Transgender suicides in the UK have doubled since Bell v. Tavistock

Alice Litman, 20, Brighton, Sussex (United Kingdom) died of Suicide on 26 May 2022 after enduring 1000 days on NHS waitlist / photo: Gofundme by her Sister

Ignored, dismissed as irreverent and inconsequential, and after a purported coverup by the NHS and Cass, Transgender suicides in the UK have risen exponentially since Bell v. Tavistock.

On Friday 13th October 2023, after a special inquiry spanning 17 months, the coroner concluded that lengthy waiting lists and significant barriers that prevent transgender people from accessing gender-affirming care in the UK contributed to a decline in Alice's mental health, and raised concerns about delays accessing gender-affirming healthcare and a lack of clarity for clinicians.

Source: TransLivesMatter, the only global compilation of transgender wrongful deaths that includes death by suicide.

There have been 36 unnatural trans deaths in the UK since Jan 2020. Of those, one was reported as a custodial death, one unknown, two by violence, and 32 suicides.

Sixteen of those suicides were on NHS waitlists and according to two whislblowers who came forward to the Good Law Project those deaths were predicted by staff at the Tavistock clinic but their efforts to inform the public was denied with warnings of displinary action should they attempt again.

The age of those who committed suicide ranged from 44, to 12, with the vast preponderance of those being under 21 years old.

In comparison, the TDOR Project reports that there were a total of 18 unnatural trans deaths in the three years before NHS stopped treating trans people. Of those deaths two were custodial, two deaths were by violence, and 14 by suicide. I can remember looking at those numbers back then and feeling wonder, sadness, and even jealousy as the USA typically experiences hundreds of trans murders yearly.

One thing that leaps off the page is how many transgender people in the UK commit suicide compared to other causes of unnatural death and how many of them were but children when they ended their lives.

Another shocking thing is how these deaths are under and misreported by British media and ignored by the Cass Review, a political hitjob on trans health care by the conservative Torys and condoned by labour.

Fact: A person does not need to be on a "waitlist" to feel the hopelessness wrought by gender dysphoria left untreated.

British Medical Association calls for the NHS to resume treating Trans Patients of All Ages

Source: Erin in the Morning Trans Youth Suicides Covered Up By NHS, Cass After Restrictions, Say Whistleblowers

"On Thursday, Jo Maugham - director of the United Kingdom legal advocacy organization The Good Law Project - wrote a detailed thread on X/Twitter in which he alleges that there has been a substantial increase in the number of suicides for young trans people on the National Health Service (NHS) waitlist, and that the NHS has been suppressing the evidence. Maugham says that this occurred after the infamous 2020 Bell v. Tavistock ruling that restricted care for those under 16. While this ruling has since been overturned, the damage from it is still being felt today."

"Maugham, who first announced some of these claims in a Good Law Project fundraiser opposing the British puberty blocker ban, says that he spoke with two whistleblowers. “I have seen their staff IDs and each has provided me with some internal Tavistock documents. There is no doubt they are who they say they are.”

"The first whistleblower reportedly said that prior to the 2020 Bell ruling, only one young trans person died from suicide in seven years and that since the ruling, there have been sixteen deaths. This data is reported to come from an anonymous doctor referred to as “Named Doctor for Safeguarding Children.”

Read the rest at Erin in the Morning.