
Unpacking Trump Debate Claim Kamala Harris will perform transgender operations on prisoners

Kamala Harris reacts to Trumps Transgender Surgery rant

Debate fact check: Trump says Harris wants to perform ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens’ in prison.


“She did things that nobody would ever think of,” Trump claimed in the Sept. 10 debate. “Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical left liberal that would do this. She wants to confiscate your guns, and she will never allow fracking in Pennsylvania. If she won the election, fracking in Pennsylvania will end on day one.”

Harris, in 2015 as California Attorney General sought to deny a transgender woman who was incarcerated gender-affirming health care.

Kamala Harris as San Fransico District Attorney General opposed the decriminalization of sex work, which in 2015 many trans people resorted to to survive. Harris's presidential campaign website makes no mention of transgender rights.

Evidently, Kamala Harris has evolved.

Trump’s claim about “transgender operations” can likely be traced back to a 2019 survey from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which the organization says it sent to all presidential candidates that year, CNN’s KFILE reported on Monday. In that survey, candidates were asked if they would use presidential authority to ensure that all trans people, including incarcerated people and undocumented immigrants, received “comprehensive treatment” for their transition “including all necessary surgical care.” Harris said she would do so.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual treatment of prisoners.

Source: American Medical Association Journal of Ethics: As outlined in Estelle v Gamble (1976), the 8th Amendment to the US Constitution requires that states provide adequate care for people who are incarcerated—but what constitutes “acceptable” care under professional guidelines is frequently at odds with the standard of care used by clinicians outside of carceral facilities. Outright denial of standard care runs afoul of the Constitutional prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

Evidently. Trump has devolved. He was once a uge transgender supporter.

In 2012 Trump advanced transgender rights immeasurably when he overruled the rejection of a transgender beauty queen. Businessman Donald Trump overturned a decision by the Miss Universe Organization, which he owned, to disqualify a Canadian transgender beauty pageant contestant because she was not a "naturally born" female. Jenna Talackova, a tall blonde who underwent gender-reassignment surgery at age 19 and holds legal documents affirming her identity as a woman, wants pageant organizers to go further and drop eligibility rules she calls discriminatory.

On the claim that Harris "wants to confiscate your guns,” fact-checking site, PolitiFact, which has partnered with PBS News this election season, says the claim is mostly false. In 2019, Harris said that she supports "a mandatory gun buyback program" for assault weapons. but not all weapons.


White supremacist Leaders charged with soliciting assassination of LGBT people and others

Screenshot / Reuters 

The Justice Department announced today that Dallas Humber, 34, of Elk Grove, California, and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho — leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, a transnational terrorist group — were charged with a 15-count indictment for soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists. Humber and Allison were arrested on Friday by law enforcement officials.

“Today’s indictment charges the defendants with leading a transnational terrorist group dedicated to attacking America’s critical infrastructure, targeting a hit list of our country’s public officials, and carrying out deadly hate crimes — all in the name of violent white supremacist ideology,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland in a press release Monday.

“The defendants solicited murders and hate crimes based on the race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity of others,” said U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert. “They also doxed and solicited the murder of federal officials, conspired to provide material support to terrorists, and distributed information about explosives that they intended to be used in committing crimes of violence.

The indictment charges Humber and Allison with a total of 15 counts, including one count of conspiracy, four counts of soliciting hate crimes, three counts of soliciting the murder of federal officials, three counts of doxing federal officials, one count of threatening communications, two counts of distributing bombmaking instructions, and one count of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

If convicted of all charges, Humber and Allison each face a maximum penalty 220 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

View the indictment here.